About Pamplona




About Pamplona

Pamplona becomes the Party world capital for 9 days each year

The world-wide impact of San Fermin festivities places Navarre’s capital within the privileged group of great cities which host macro events every year: Munich, Venice, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris… As opposed to all those cities, Pamplona is a much more relaxed city for the rest of the year, great for reflecting, meeting people and sharing knowledge. That is why, from a place of privilege and responsibility, Pamplona’s city council has organized a meeting to bring forth the most prevalent aspects of these macro-events: projection, tourism, sustainability, economic management, citizen involvement and security.

Strategic location

Navarre is located close to a great X point uniting Valencia with Bilbao and Madrid with Barcelona, allowing it to be accessed from the most industrially developed area of the Peninsula in a maximum of 5 hours, be it by plane, train or private vehicles.


Baluarte, Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra

Plaza del Baluarte, s/n, 31002 Pamplona, Navarra


El Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra, Baluarte, destaca en la Comunidad Foral por su versatilidad para albergar eventos MICE y actividades culturales. Ubicado en el corazón de la ciudad, junto a la histórica Ciudadela de Pamplona, Baluarte ha obtenido el honor de ser el primer Palacio de Congresos en España en recibir la Certificación BioSphere por su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, otorgada por el Instituto de Turismo Responsable, avalado por la UNESCO.

El enfoque en sostenibilidad, digitalización, accesibilidad e identidad se refleja en un plan integral para su desarrollo, adaptándose a los cambios actuales.

Hotel Tres Reyes

Hotel Oficial


Other lodging


Train station

C/ de la Estación s/n, Pamplona
L – S: 06:00 a 23:30 h
D: 08:00 a 23:30 h

Bus station

Alquiler de bicicletas